Welcome again, worthy friends. Just a note to keep you in the loop. As most of you know, the date has been picked. December 15 is go time when we all will get to participate in the glory of the Epic. Planning has been hot and heavy, with menus and ideas flying fast and furious. The basic outlay will be a 6 course meal. Well sort of a meal. Lots of small plates with many choices all designed to pair with the two beers that will be served during that course. I've let a few cats out of the proverbial bag, but there are plenty more cats where those come from.
For now, let me list the worthy wonders who will be joining us on this epic journey. The chosen:
Yours truly.
Matt Casebier
Kate Jackson
Phil Haeck
Aly Haeck
Nick Herrera
Kelly Key
Sean McConnell
Justin Evenson
Adam Kick
Will Lemkul
But wait, I hear you cry. That's only 11. I thought there were 12 sitting at the table of righteous beerness. That's right, campers. That means we have one spot left. Its up to you to nominate people for the last position. I figure there is probably one very cool person who loves good beer and is pining for the opportunity to experience the epic. Well, who are they? Why should they get a seat at the table? Give me your best reason and nominate them, and we'll see if they can make the cut. Of course, they could always come as your guest, and you could choose to share your beer with them. But I'm guessing no one in their right mind is that altruistic. No one is guaranteed a spot. I may just go with a whim and invite someone that I think should be there. Or I may go with your nomination. Or I may just say, "Screw it. More beer for us." and go with 11 instead of the symmetrical 12. Anyways, send me a comment with your ideas if you want to nominate someone.
Now that summer is coming, expect more updates, pictures, hints, ideas, and as much information as I can put together for you. For now, save December 15. Get your airline tickets now. Cancel your Christmas parties planned for that weekend. Because as of now, it is on.
More soon . . .